Transporting multiple snakes?
Hi all; i have 6 snakes and do a lot of outreach with the herpetology club at my school, and i was wondering if anyone had some ideas on transporting multiple snakes to venues etc? My main concern is that i have nearly full-grown kingsnakes, and juvenile corns that are just under 24 inches, as well as a rosy boa.... and both of my kings have made it clear that both the corns and rosy are FOOD as far as they care (interestingly enough, they havent ever bitten people while on a program, even though people handle corns then kings, even after i warn them :P ). On one event where i had just my kings, the smaller female bit the male through both HIS and HER pillowcase, enough to leave a bruise for a week or so  You can see why i'm nervous to put them all in their respective pillowcases in my backpack. I was thinking something like a divided camera bag, but dont want them to be all squished and cramped in those little compartments.
Any ideas would greatly be appreciated!
0.1 Jungle Carpet "Bhageera", 2.0 Corn snakes "Castor & Pollux", 1.1 Cal Kings "Lux & Nyx", 0.1 Honduran Milksnake "Demeter", 0.1 Rosy boa "Neki-monster", 1.0 Axolotl "Grendle", 2 tarantulas, 0.1 Leopard gecko "Remus", and a freezer full of mice (and Rats!)….