Well here she is. So I did weight and measurement today 2 months after I got her. She only grew an inch and about 20 grams. She weighs 130 and 27 inches long. She's been eating a rat pup every week sometime 10 days depending on the weight. The rat pups are about 30 grams. Once she weighs about 180 grams I'm going to give her one a week. Then at about 250 grams I'm gonna give her weaklings (60 grams) every 10 days. Anyway I explained before I feed equivalent of 1/3 body weight until 4 ft then 1/4 then 1/5 at 5 ft then 1/6 at 6 and so on finally cutting bak to 1/10 once she reaches about 8 ft and
Close to max growth. Every 2 weeks. Or for example give an adult 1/5 every month instead. Sorry I just like to be specific. Anyway is she growing normal isn't that a little slow. This is my first bcc. Her habitat seems to be great. 95 on hot side 82 on cool during the day with a drop to no lower than 75 cool side at night. Humidity is good. She hasn't shed yet though how often does that happen. I don't know how old she is at 27 inches I guess about 8 months? Sorry for all the questions but also I have a small space heater in her room to keep up ambient a it runs 24 hours it's a 1000 watt heater. Does that cost a lot to run? I feel like my electric bil Is obserd it was 250 and I live in a one bedroom apartment! And barly run my heat! Anyway I'd like input on all my annoying questions thanks in advance u guys have been great. Is like to see some growth pics as well or bcc to compare
how long until she reaches adult size? Thanks