So looking at Wayne's ubber cool Sav enclosures. I was talking on Facebook how cool it would be to get a Sav and have natural setting like that to watch behavior and how expensive that most be. In having this conversation I thought to myself I should think of my boas before I even start thinking of a whole other species to take on. So maybe sink some money into a play yard for them. Then I was thinking it would have to be outside as I have no room for that but Texas temps aren't real boa friendly....but I have this playhouse built like a house back in the day when my kiddos were tots. I would like to convert it to a boa friendly natural environment so they can get out those little tubs and use stretch their legs
Ive never built anything in my life haha so this will be interesting, and I know a lot of you build your own enclosures....
I think a door will be the trickiest for me...
its roofed with shingles already..
my pit bull had fun with the flooring..obviously would need to be replaced..
I can stand in it so its pretty big..although Im pretty short lol
so The windows will probably have to be covered but Id like it too be removable for nice days?? if possible...forest floor..Id love real trees but I don't know if that would be possible with boas being heavy bodied and any tree that would stay small enough for this house might too weak...but ya its in its infancy idk how possible/real this might actually be. It'll definitely be an adventure..