Originally Posted by Aaron_S
I don't think it's snake people necessarily. They tend to just have the most cash. I believe a lot of people think Kevin McCurly to be a good varanid keeper. This could be wrong based on all the new information we possess though.
I just think that all the information we're now learning has to be taught to them. They're just using what used to be acceptable husbandry and to them what they thought was best. I think passing along information and hoping they read it and use it is the only option at this point.
It won't happen over night but over the years it will become more prominent. At least I hope so.
Well said, it's not so much because they are snake people but because as you said they have more money, and are too used to the minimalist husbandry techniques that are commonplace for snakes, and are simply not aware that those techniques don't work for monitors.