Finally Done
Well we had quite the experience with this tank... Fist we had the problem of using the wrong silicone and all the fish that we put in as a test died. We had to rip the whole tank apart (it was finished by this point) and had to redo the whole thing. Which was a big pain because all of the foam and stuff we use was glued tigether with the silicone so we had to recut and re cement all of the foam. Anyway this is finally what it can out as. It has been done for about a month I was just always busy to post pictures. It has 3 green anoles (1 died because he got in a fight) , one brown anole and one house gecko. It also has a buch of random coloured guppies and even some babies in there because when we bought the females they were far in to pregnancy already. There is also a patriot crab. I am hoping to get an acolotl in there to or maybe a salamander or two
1.0 Crested Gecko
?.? Leopard Gecko