Ok so ive been doing some thinking of the easiest and cheapest way to build a new enclosure for my little guy. Ive had some ideas here and there of what I could do but in all honesty im **** at building things. Even the Ikea type flat pack cabinets ive built have fell apart within a matter of weeks

. So I was in pets at home today buying my usual weekly bugs and rodents when I came accross a rabbit hutch that looked a decent size for a bosc enclosure. I know it would be a mega short cut to what I have to actually build. But with some alterations eg sealing off thw front, glass door etc, do you think this would be suitable for a while? Like would it fall apart with the weight and pressure of the dirt on the sides? Would it hold hunidity with some sealer etc?
Here is a link for one similar to what I seen
Summer Lodge Double Hutch by Sharples N Grant (Available in Store Only) | Pets at Home