Re: Possible Savannah rescuer with questions.
WELL, I've got another crazy turn of events. Sigh. These kids are killing me.
They don't want to give me the Sav, but their 'friend' has a Nile he doesn't want any more. They know I would give it a good home I guess? Not sure, I'm having a hard time because these kids are like 12 and 13 so they are kind of internet-********.
UGH this is so ridiculous. I'm starting at square one again for learning about care. Soooo now any advice on NILES is very much appreciated lol. Sorry, guys.
It's 16 inches long tip to tail, they have no clue on the age. Apparently it was given to him for free and is in a 40 gallon tank right now and he just gives it 3 mice and 3 goldfish a week and it eats them. It has a big water dish and part of the lid is covered so there is at least some humidity. It's 'not tame' and pretty active too according to him. Doesn't try to bite but does not like to be held or taken out of it's enclosure. I'm hoping this means that it's in somewhat good health. We shall see. I know the goldfish are a no-no, I think because they are high in like thiamine or something? Dunno, so any advice on diet would be very appreciated.
So what kind of space requirements am I looking at right now? How small is too small for a temporary tank till I can get building on his adult enclosure? Would my 8x2x2 tank work for a month or two or would it be cruel? Looks like I'll be sketching out plans a lot sooner than I thought haha.
Again, sorry guys. I'm getting sick of the run-around, but I want to try and help these poor lizards as much as I can.