Would Really Appreciate Some Help!
Hey everyone,
I'm new to snakes and this forum and I have a few questions:
1) Glass tank vs plastic storage bin? What size for babies, juveniles, and adults?
2) I'm planning on using the Zoo Med 10-20 gallon Under Tank Heater. Is that safe to use on the plastic storage bins? How do you suggest setting it up and where would I put the tub so it doesn't catch anything around it on fire?
3) What to look for when I get my snake? I've heard it's good to use white paper towels for a while to see if they have mites? How long would I do that and are there any dangerous chemicals or anything in the paper towels?
4) I'm hearing conflicting answers about where to put the thermometer probe in the setup. Some people say right on the glass under the substrate because they can burrow down and burn themselves, others say on the substrate and they'll move if it gets too hot. What do you recommend?
That's all I can think of for now. I(and the snake) would really appreciate any answers