Hello everybody! I just joined the forum a couple weeks ago, and have yet to introduce myself- I'm Emily!
I'm really more of a fish person, so I'll start by sharing a couple pictures of my tanks. I'm still not quite sure how to write between the pictures (if somebody could help me out that'd be great!), so I'll just list them off now.
The first is my 10 gallon halfmoon guppy tank with 8 guppies and 4 nerite snails. Second is my 20 gallon long divided betta tank, which I would personally never attempt again, as it's quite a bit of maintenance! Third is my 20 gallon high fry grow out tank; these guys come from my red empress cichlids in the 55 in the last picture. Fourth is my 5 gallon with one betta, and finally is the 55 gallon peacock/hap cichlid tank. I've got 5 OBs, 5 giraffes, 4 red empresses, 1 red tail shark, and 1 featherfin cat (my fav by far!).
Part 2 coming soon