Originally Posted by Lankyrob
If the snake is going to be put down the quickest wnd least stressful way is a hammer to the skull completely obliterating the brain.
And to those that are having a go, think about it, this is a school teacher not a reptile keeper. We were all completely new to snakes at somepoint and took the word of people that owned snakes about their care and what to expect from them. This person has come here and is learning on a very steep curve, maybe helping them rather than bashing them will help this snake be taken care off sooner rather than later.
I myself was told by a "reputable keeper" (in fact an ex member here) that if a blood tagged you it remove "sizable chunks of flesh and result in hospital treatment as their teeth are the largest of any snake"...........
I agree. Not everyone is like us. I applaud you for trying to get help. Most people dont even know that you can take reptiles to the vet let alone that their are reptile vets.
On a side note I agree that itt would be best to put it down.