BT Skink Shedding
I just read something that floored me. I'm wondering your opinion. It was an article on BTS shedding problems. The writer said to soak the skink for 20 minutes and to dry it with a terry cloth towel briskly to remove the shed. Also stated to use a Q-tip to remove the shed on the lips and eyelids. In 10 years I have never helped remove Precious's shed. Just the opposite I avoid touching him at all once he has gone opaque. The first year I had him I made the mistake when I had him in the yard of rubbing his back while holding him. My neighbor had stopped me on my way in the house and being distracted I started to pet his back. I knew better than to do this while he was getting ready to shed. He rewarded me with the only bite I've ever gotten from him.
Zoo Nanny