Who on here has a pvc cage from jim at pvccages.com? i am trying to get some detailed pictures of his tanks and he will not send any over. im not going to lie kind of makes me not want to buy from my "local" guy. he lives 3 hours away so its not like i can go look at his tanks.
Aaron over on ball-pythons.net did a write up on animal plastics cage and was very indepth of the tank and awsome pictures i must say. im just trying to see what the tank looks like before i order one. if anyone has a tank from him perferably open front sliding doors can you post pictures of the top/side/back and how you personally like it.
just because he wont send any pics is making want to order from animal plastics that much more even tho the wait is a month longer and its about $100 more for what i want from them.
if anyone is interested here is the link for aarons write up for the t-8 tank
How to set up a PVC cage (AP T8) With Pictures!