Originally Posted by reptileexperts
I only have 5 westerns so my point is moot eh?
Your point is moot because the information you are dishing out is completely wrong. The fact that you only have 5 hognose snakes for less than a year means that you have almost no basis to form you incorrect theory. Never mind giving people incorrect information.
Originally Posted by reptileexperts
Besides the fact I have been raising one of mine for 6 years,
That is one snake compared to hundreds, even thousands, that other breeders have raised. Including the hundred plus I raise every season.
Originally Posted by reptileexperts
or the fact I've been working with Easterns for the better part of 13 years does not matter.
Well being that Easterns are a completely different species, the two can not be compared. They have different habitats and behaviors. Their captive care is also completely different. A common problem in this hobby is people lumping animals together like they are one in the same. So yeah, the "fact" that you may have kept an Eastern or two does not matter when we are talking about Westerns.
It is awesome that you have been working with such a tricky captive since you were 13 years old. You really are a reptileexpert. Got any photos of your Easterns? Would love to see some. I would especially like to see some that you have hatched out in captivity.
Originally Posted by reptileexperts
Then again, what do I know I'm just comparing their wild side to their captive. . .
What you think you "know" about their "wild side" has nothing at all to do with their care in captivity. So, just from this single post, it is pretty apparent that you do not know much about Western hog care in captivity or their "wild side".
Like I said, I am not trying to be a jerk. Just trying to keep incorrect information from being spread on the forum. Do not take it personal. It is not about you or me. It is about the animals in our care.