Rescue Burm
Just thought I'd share this, so that young people who feel they are ready for a snake, expecially a large one, might see what happens as life changes. My friend's brother has a friend, who is 18. A couple of months ago, he bought a baby albino burm, thinking he would be able to handle it, and keep this animal for the extent of it's natural life. Then, in the last couple of weeks, he lost his job, found out his wife is pregnant, then got evicted from his apartment. Now they are living with his parents, who said NO to the burm. He told my friend, who called me, and I picked it up ealrier this evening. The snake has been well cared-for, which is good, as it's not sick, dehydrated, or underweight. This is a tragedy, though, because when you are young, especially, life can change very quickly, so if you are considering owning a pet, especially a large snake, let this be an example of just what can happen in a few weeks time. With so many burms in rescue, that should be the first place a prospective owner should look. If you are a kid, even with parental consent, they will probably not let you adopt a large boid. THIS IS WHY. That should be another light bulb going off in your head that maybe you should reconsider a large boid. They are not easy to handle, after 6 ft should not, and probably cannot be handled alone, expensive to feed and house, and require alot of time and work. OK, sorry this is so long, I just had to get that off my chest.