Snakes getting out..
Ok so with all these threads lately about snakes escaping I was wondering what you people are keeping them in? I am not trying to bash on anyone but I really just want to see what the majority of the issue is. How is it that all these snakes get out. I have never had an escape and I know of breeders that house 100-500 snakes with no issues. Yet some people seem to have a snake get out every other week it seems.
I custom make all my vivs so I know that they are escape proof. I use tubs ( with binder clips on the lids) until the viv is done, Once again escape proof.
If everyone can post honestly we can see what is going on and make sure it all gets fixed. Outside of the " I forgot to lock the cage" issues. If that is the case then make yourself a check list so that when the snake goes back into its viv you know for a fact it is secure.