Re: Please help... I want to understand.
Looks like the water snake is starting to recover. It's horrifying what some people will do to an animal. A little over a year ago, I took a western diamondback rattlesnake from my idiot cousin who was keeping her on filthy, damp playground sand. This poor girl had THE WORST case of belly scute rot I've ever seen....huge welts, pussing sores, blood all over. I gave her 5 minute soaks in a mixture of 1:1:1 betadine + hydrogen peroxide + warm water. I would do that every other day and kept her on clean, white butcher paper. It took a good 2-3 months, but she healed up beautifully. Now that your Nerodia has shed and the welts are deflating, I would probably recommend a similar treatment schedule, along with a vet visit. In my case, I couldn't go to the vet because none around me will see hots. I had to treat her at home.
Dr. Viper