First Shed Under My Care
This is my first thread on this site, I respect all of your input and advice. I have a 3.5 month of Female BP named Kahlua, I am not sure how to post pictures to this site yet but I will post some as soon as I learn how. She is beautiful and everything I could ask for as a first time owner. Prior to buying her I did a lot of research for months and finally felt I was ready to get one. I have owned her for 4 weeks now. I have a few questions that I need some input on.
1) About one week ago I noticed her belly was looking pink, so I knew she was going to shed soon. She started hiding in her hide all day (which I know is normal, but usually she comes out a few times when I am up) and 2 days ago I went to feed her and noticed her eyes were blue( I know this is because of the shed and a fluid is between her eyes to protect them from the skin cap) I usually feed her in another container but since shedding is a stressful time I put the rat pup in her normal tank. She ate no problem and after she was finished I let her be. It has been 2 days since I saw the blue eyes, what should I do to ensure she is shedding okay? She is in her hide and I dont want to take her out and stress her. Is it better to possibly risk stressing her a bit to make sure her shed is coming along fine or should I let her be until I see her being more active?
2) I have been feeding her every 5 days, the breeder was feeding her hoppers when I first got her then I switched her over to medium mice for 2 feeds and 2 days ago I switched her over to rat pups, she seems to be a healthy weight but has only defecated once since in my care and has not peed yet. Is this normal?
Thanks any tips would be greatly appreciated!