Concerns about wood in tank
We have a piece of driftwood in our red-eye enclosure that has a strong smell to it. We bought it at a pet store and it is the same type of wood that they have in their tree frog enclosure. When we brought it home and cleaned it the smell appeared and I thought that it was just because it was wet and that it would go away once it dried out, but it hasn't and it has been in there nearly 3 weeks. The frogs aren't going in tank until friday/saturday so we have a few days to replace it if necessary. Does anyone know it this should be okay as the pet store we got it from has had it in their tank for months and it hasn't caused any problem yet.
PS. I'm not sure what type of wood it is except to say that it is not ceder.
1.1 Red eyed tree frogs
1.1 Kids