Acrylic Display Cages???
I'm trying to find my father safe acrylic display cages with keyed locks. He does educational shows and wants to incorporate his native venemous in the shows. He has an adult Northern Copperhead and an adult Timber Rattlesnake. He wants a display type so it can be viewsble from the sides and top down. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
2 Black Rats,2 Retics,2 Texas Indigo,1 Albino Chinese Beauty,1 Bull,1 Black Milk,1 YT Cribo,1 Albino Garter,5 Corn Snakes,1 Brooksi,1 VBB,1 MBK,1 Bairds Rat,1 Albino Cal King,1 Pied BP,1 Dumerils Boa,2 Rattlesnakes