so i NEED to redo my bearded dragons cage... he is in a 4x2x2 melamine cage with a 150 watt MVB. heat is fine stays aorund 110-115 basking, and cools down to around 70 at night... as many of you know my beardy is anti social from h3&& and doesnt tolerate handling, which is not a big deal to me, but i need to give him a good cage...
here is a pic
DeesBalls | Facebook
this is from my facebook page for my animals, so please go look...
i want to either do linolium or tile. not too sure ive tried ALOT of different substrates and dont like any of them.. the potting soil i have in now was/is a temporay thing from when i carried the cage downstairs i needed to fill it with something after i ruined the carpet that was in it... so that will go..
i want to add another light, for at night... getting to be cooler outside so want to keep the cage around 70 at night then up to the noraml day temps...
again, please throw out advice, do NOT BE NEGATIVE- i know it is wrong. Let me know suggestions guys, thanks!!!