Re: Roaches, crickets, worms and confusion, oh my
Dubia are just the best all around. Easy, don't climb, don't fly, slow, an adult dubia is a mouth full for an adult ackie. They are easy to sex as well. Males have wings (even though they can't fly) and females just get nice, plump and wingless. Have live babies.
I would maybe suggest lobsters. They breed fast but can climb. They stay small and monitors like them.
I hate Turkish roaches Aka rusty reds. Monitors like them Because they are active. I dislike them because they are so fast, lay eggs, and will climb a slighty dirty surface that dubias can't. They look to much like a house roach to me and I won't chance any egg layers in my home. (google a pic of one)
Discoids are good but going to be on the large size.
I'm currently experimenting with orange-head roaches. They breed faster and get larger then dubia; however they have an odor. My adult ackies do not like adult orange-heads. They are a little large, spiny, and other people say monitors don't like the taste. That said; my baby ackies are putting a beat down on young orange-head roaches. Orange heads are a little faster and out going vs dubia. Several times my little ackies have passed over a dubia to get an orange-head. Time will well how they pan out for me.
Hissers are to large and breed to slow.
No personal experience with other roaches.