enclosure size
I have what might seem like a really silly question to most but... How an enclosure be too big for a snake?
I understand that too small causes stress, and that to big could cause different issues when it takes more energy to catch a prey item than is in the prey item.
I have my first snake, a little ring neck, about 5-6 inches long currently living in a bowl, about 10wX12h, soft soil, with moss and palm trees and rocks. Although I have not seen it, it has eaten a could of red worms... and appears to be growing. So... I am thinking about moving it to a larger enclosure/terrarium. Would a 5-6 inch snake be comfortable in a 10g (22wX7dX16h)? Or would this be too big?
I understand lizards, newts, frogs, toads, etc, and thier enclosure requirements and what too large would be... but snakes are just so alien to me.
Thank you in advance.