leucistic ratsnake tongue color?
I just recently purchased a couple of what i was told are baby leucistic Texas ratsnakes and they are great! But I am curious about 2 things.... first, every picture I have ever seen every leucistic snake has a pink tongue, however, everything I have read about the differences between leucistic black rats and leucistic Texas ratsnakes claims that the regular non Texan leucistic ratsnakes have black tongues, but I can't find a picture of this for the life of me... is this merely a rumor or are there actually ones out there with black tongues?
Second, how does everybody feel about housing them together? I've read its OK and the breeder I bought them from said it shouldn't be a problem, but I would hate to have one go missing..... that and I would like to attempt to breed them as they get older so I don't know if that would effect procreation in the future... regardless they are both about 24" long and have a while to go before this. Any advise or pictures would be greatly apprecciated! They are in seperate 20 gallon tanks currently btw