Posting from a cell phone sucks. Anyway try number two.
Hi. New to the forum but not to reptiles.
I've owned many lizards and such but this is a new one to me.
4 days ago I saved this little guy from a camel spider during a heavy monsoon.
Baby banded king. The winds were so strong after I mashed the camel spider wanting to make a meal outa him he started blowing across my driveway. So I swooped him up and got him in a small terrarium with a heater and reptisand.
So far he hasn't eaten. And there's little to no chance he will make it in the wild.
His size has really got me stumped on what yo feed it. The (dreaded) pet shop recommended minnows. No go. He appears healthy and happy despite his lack of eating.
I've read multiple conflicting statements on multiple sites about feeding. One site recommends panfish worms while another says no insects.
He must have just hatched when I found him. Any feeding tips are greatly appreciated!
Now a few pics.
The attacker. No harm was done to the little king thanks to a quick boot stomp.