08-02-12, 07:23 PM
Join Date: Aug-2012
Location: Cedar City
Posts: 834
Re: Feeding...Just a few questions...
Originally Posted by shaunyboy
the only problem i can think of,is a snake may regurgitate being handled so soon after feeding
i must admit its never happened to any of the carpet pythons,i take out to feed,due to me keeping more than 1 snake per tank
re cleaning
i only spot clean as required,only cleaning the tank with,anti bacterial and anti viral solutions,once every 6 or 7 months
re crossing from,mice to rats
stop offering mice altogether
scent a rat with a mouse,heat the rat and mouse with a hairdryer,until they feel the same temperature as a live rat...
then burst the mouse open and smear mouse blood and guts,ALL over the rat
give the rat another quick heat,then offer to your snake
i've found braining helps...
puncture the rats skull 2 or 3 times with a pair of scissors,until a grey liquid seeps out,give the head an extra heat,then offer to your snake
you CAN brain BRAIN and SCENT at the SAME time mate
cheers shaun
He won't eat burst mice....but I can try smearing the guts on the rat. I was also going to try heating the rat, drying him off and letting him set in some mouse bedding a while