Keeping 4ft Blood for friend, first big snake!
So they delivered a 120gal (I think) (4"x1"x2") tank, almost 4.5ft Blood, with a water bowl 2 heating lamps and one half log thing. The snake is really cool, he hisses alot but wont strike at you. They Feed him 3 med size rats and said he couldnt be picked up for 2 days. Today is the 2nd day and I got him out cause he was moving around alot.
What would be a better improvement for his tank? He has green..outdoor carpet in there i think? Does he need something to get under? Should I mist him down? Ive read alot about them but most ppl are talkin about small ones and not a almost 5fter. Any imput would help!
I have a bearded dragon, 3 sugar gliders, and 4 dogs ... So I want to be sure he's getting cared for as well as my other pets.
Thanks, Smiddy