Hello everyone
Just thought I would introduce myself. My name is Meg and I have so far only one snake. It (unknown gender due to being so young still) is a ivory coloured california king snake. She (I have been calling it a her as I have named it Gwendolyn, which could change once I find out her actual gender) is about 5 months old and is so tiny still. She feeds really well and has shed for me a couple times since I got her 5-6 weeks ago.
I am very fascinated in getting many other snakes in the future including, a ghost honduran milk snake, mexican black kingsnake, a brazilian rainbow boa and a handful of ball python morphs.
I currently also keep a leopard gecko, a pair of cave geckos (which have laid eggs), 3 crested geckos (a pair of them also laid a couple clutches), a fire skink, a soon to be picked up bearded dragon (from a rescue), 2 tiger salamanders, 2 rabbits and a cat.
Other than my household of pets, I am interested in dance, art, body mods, fashion, health and spending my time with loved ones.
Anyways, I can't wait to get to know everyone and learn so much more about snakes.