Originally Posted by Terranaut
The problem is most people research herps by asking the guy at the pet shop.
I agree , worst advice I have heard came from local pet shops.
Ditto. The pet store is regrettably the first stop when people start doing their homework. Its not like a breeder or online forums are in the local yellow pages.
Among countless others, here are a few of the pearls of wisdom coming from pet store employees I've heard over the years:
1.) Chameleons don't need any special lighting, just heat. In fact, you can just put a heat pad on the side of the tank.
2.) Yeah, you can mix a python and a boa together, as long as they're close enough in size.
3.) Sure the baby turtles can live in that tiny kidney-shaped lagoon for now. Just make sure you get a tank and the proper lighting as soon as possible.