Enrofloxacin suspension 30mg/ml
okay well I've been away for about a month moving and such which is why I haven't been around and why I had to leave my snakes at a friends house, a friend I asumed would take proper care of my snakes, I was seriously wrong, My oldest Ball python has developed Belly (scale) rot.
she had told me over the phone that the snake had burnt its belly so I insturcted her to apply polysporn, she negelected to tell me that the cage had only been cleaned once the hole two months I was parted from them.
I'm sorry that I'm going on about this its just I'm very angry, anyways I rushed my bp to the vet and he gave me a perscription of Enrofloxcin .2 mls orally for ten days
I wanted to check here to make sure if that was an okay treament because its a new vet and I wasn't sure, I tired getting a hold of my old vet but are phone isn't working and such.
please if there is anything I should be warned about tell me before i give it to her.
thank you for your time
ps: make sure you trust the person completely before leaving your animals with them. I learned from my foolish mistake and it will never happen again.
~life is like a big toilet and guess what your in it!~