Education & Transportation
So my Pastel BP has just booked his first showing...
Co-worker asked if i could bring him for pet day for her Cub Scouts. naturally i agreed
after awhile it donned on me ...I have never transported Goldie other then when i brought him home last august...he is about 9mo.
SO i have a few questions that I'm hoping i can get some advice on.
1. it's a 20min ride, what kinda carry device should i get to transport Goldie back and forth in? When i got him let gave him to me in a little black cloth bag but he was a baby then and just doesn't seem right to carry him in something like that now.
2. Education wise...I'm sure some here have giving talks about there snakes...could you guys/gals suggest some talking points i can give to 5-7yr old boys or maybe activities i could try to keep them interested.?
Also want to make sure my BP is as comfortable as possible while coming and going....
Any additional info would be very helpful...
1.0 Pastel BP (Goldie)