Blood or short tail?
I have many diff. species of python but this is my first blood python ever - I just got the little guy about a week ago.. Is he ever so cute!
Now heres my Question .. What is he? How do you tell locality or wether its a blood or a short tail .. Can't post pics unfortunetly but I would love if someone would be able to tell me so I can try to figure it out on my own ..
By the way .. he is 18 inches .. nice and fat .. tamed .. cb .. and supposed to be a blood ..
Thanks for all u're help - the more descriptive the better
1.3 Coastals 6.6 Jungles
3.4 West Papuan 1.0 Bred'ls
1.1 Yellow condas 0.1 Sebea
**looking for female Bredl's python**