anyone else agree
hey everyone,
i have been wondering somthing about the choice of using newspaper for substrate.
I have been keeping reptiles for quite some time, and i am a person who enjoys a natural looking viv. So i usially use different types of bark and mulch, somtimes reptil carpet or turf.
but i see lots of people using newspaper. and maybe im thinking in the wrong direction, but first thing that comes to my mind, is if you read a newspaper, after your done you have black fingertips wich is the toxic ink comming off. Since alot of reptiles absorb things threw thier skin, woulnt in be wrong to think that newspaper is not harmfull in long term affect to most reptiles. but yet i have never ever herd of anyone else say likewise on any forum or in person. personally if i was the type of person who didnt take the time to carfully select types of more naturally looking substrates in a way to not harm the animal or rhave high risk of impaction, and i just wanted an easy clean route. i would choose paper towel over ink filled newspaper.
just wondering what you guys think, i always wanted to ask others this and see if im thinking wrong here.