So, after 2 weeks with my first snake, I'm looking to get another. Right now I have an ~8 month old Jungle x Coastal carpet python. We are super happy with him, but it has become clear that one snake is simply not enough
I am strongly considering one of the BC subspecies or a BRB. Or I could always get another carpet
I don't have space or experience for something huge, so no retics or burms. And maybe even something small enough fully grown to need nothing larger than a rat. If I got something and it turned out to be a monster, I would feed it what it needed, but I would rather not get a snake that I know will 100% for sure need rabbits or something as an adult. I'm also not particularly interested in ball pythons for some reason.
Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations or experiences to share on these or any other snakes you have--personalities, temperament, size, ease of care, handleability, etc. Also, if you want to share pics of your full-grown snake, preferably with something to get a sense of scale (person, etc), that would be great!