One of my rat snakes refused his mouse, so I tried feeding it to my spider ball python (in cage this time) and she grabbed it! After she got done constricting it, she drug it into her burrow and ate it! It had been 2 months since she ate last. Now to try this with my other ball pythons tomorrow.
0.1 pueblan milk snake, 1.1 mexican black king snake, 1.1 cali king snake 8.10 corn snakes, 1.1 texas rat snake, black rat snake, 1.1 blonde trans pecos rat snakes, 1.0 mexican night snake, 0.1 western hognose, 0.1 irian jaya carpet python, 3.3 ball pythons, 0.1 blue tongued skink, 0.0.1 bearded dragon, 0.0.1 crested gecko and 1.0.1 three toed box turtles