Beginner's Varanid Question
Marcy and I have been talking lately about getting a Varanid. (Neither of us has cared for one in the past). I personally like Red Tegus, and I think she likes Argentines (Cant remember if they are tegus or monitors?). I think we bothbagree that we want something with a little heft, a little chunkiness to it.
We're both also tired of having to have roaches on hand at all times, so is there a vegetarian Varanid?
Finally, at the present, we don't have the resources to construct the lavish living area LF and Cera have, but that should change with a move southwest in a couple years.
Now, if I know you guys/gals at all, I expect some "Don't get one" or "You already have enough animals." J promise you, if we do not know for certain we can meet all the husbandry needs, we won't, but I'd like to hear what those with more experience have to say.
So, for beginners, a monitor (which species in particular or a Tegu, preferably red.
Thanks for reading!
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