Can Glass and Acrylic be Stuck Together?
I am trying to plan my Boa's future enclosure. I want to go with acrylic, but, I am worried about using an UTH with any form of plastic. I know, I hear it's safe and all with the proper thermostats, etc, but I am so afraid to take the chance of any possible off-gassing that may result in the event of a malfunction. Even if it's unlikely, I still worry.
I was wondering, can I build an enclosure with a glass bottom, or are the sealants used for one not compatible with the other? Would a glass bottom affect the temperature retention too much, or do you think it would be okay?
Would love to know what you think. TIA for any advice you have for me.
Last edited by hylia; 03-19-12 at 08:31 PM..