Looking past the emotional side of this (that really sucks..
) Is there any way you can file anything against the vet? Did they charge you to basically kill your pet? I know from working in a health profession that if you don't have the knowledge it is malpractice to even try to do something, whether it works out or not. I know that reptiles aren't exactly protected the same way that humans are, and im not exactly knowledgeable of the law-related terms, but couldn't you have your "new" vet testify that this is what caused your pet to die, and that the first vet is to blame. You could probably claim emotional damages. Go into it not wanting personal gain, but to "prevent this from happening to other helpless animals" and i guarantee somebody will pick you up on that as a case. Call an LIDA (lawyer in defense of animals) lawyer and get talk to some people, lawyers usually dont charge you anything unless the case goes in your favor, in which you usually also sue for court costs.
In a country where a fat woman tried to sue Mcdonalds actually made it into the court system, just exposing him as a fraud could dissuade his apparently stellar reputation.