well i am doing it, i will be building a reptile room in my basement. it will be around 7x7 foot, or 8x7... i really prefer 8x8 foot since i will have 4 foot long, and 3 foot long cages, that would leave me with a foot in between for handles/wires...
it will only be like 6 foot tall at the most! witch sucks.. but gotta do what i gotta do..
basic plans:
some sort of cinder block sub floor... with ply wood flooring with insulation in between..somehow.. lol.
the walls will be framed with 2x4's and dry wall... really simple... of course with instillation.... i will be having an extra breaker put in all for the electicity (depending on price) i hope i will have rooom for my 2 big tanks on bottom, then stack everything else on top... thats one wall... the other wall, will have a rack with hopfully babies in it at some point..
i only have 9 months to get this done....