Monitor attacking blanket
I am new to this forum and have read through a lot of your posts... I have found that most everything you have to say I agree with I have searched through and not found anything like this... I have a year old monitor and she is awesome I handle her everyday give her baths for exercise and let her run around the house... She always since she was a baby of a few inches long laid with us on the bed... She snuggles and loves to get her head rubbed. I hand feed her and she makes sure not to bite me. I put my hand in her cage and she gets excited and runs up my arm. I speak and she comes to me.. I know this all sounds like I am making it up but its true... Now here is my dilema she is shedding now and she is a little less than a year old. She will be laying on me for a while and all of a sudden she will start rubbing her nose on the blanket and all of a sudden lunge at the blanket and bite it and will not let go... Any ideas if this is because she is cranky because she is shedding or maybe hungry I just dont think she is being mean because she does not hiss or show any type of anger as far as I can tell.