At the Vets. D: Help please?
Last night when turning lights out I realized my Satanic Leaf Tail Gecko has swallowed a ton of coconut bedding. He has never done this before. He is in shed and I wondered if he was rubbing and managed to do it this way? He was bloaded, and his jaw puffed up like a bullfrog. Throughout the night I have rinsed/pulled some out but believe he swallowed most of it. He does not seem in good shape today. He is less than five grams and smaller than my thumb. I have him soaking on warm wet paper towel, and am at the vet clinic I work at. We want to try giving sub q fluids. But how do you go about it with such a small gecko? The nearest clinic with someone that knows what their doing, and where they are able to take him in for surgery is about two hours.
I know the most about reptiles here - and I'm quickly turning into a mess.
Would it be best to just leave him be at this point?
I have no idea what to do.