RED ALERT! Vote "No" on FWS Python Rule Change
Calling all herpers! Click on the link below and send your letters ASAP! This takes about 5 minutes to do. The snakes affected by this rule change make up approximately one third of the reptile industry, which is in the multi-millions. If the rule change is passed, it could impact thousands of people.
Honestly, any herper, snake keeper or not, should send a letter, because the enemy is not going to stop at giant snakes.
0.1 pueblan milk snake, 1.1 mexican black king snake, 1.1 cali king snake 8.10 corn snakes, 1.1 texas rat snake, black rat snake, 1.1 blonde trans pecos rat snakes, 1.0 mexican night snake, 0.1 western hognose, 0.1 irian jaya carpet python, 3.3 ball pythons, 0.1 blue tongued skink, 0.0.1 bearded dragon, 0.0.1 crested gecko and 1.0.1 three toed box turtles