Too much time on my hands..
Temperature Fluctuations - I have heard from breeders say "I keep my neonates at xx° using Brand A 'stat etc.." What are your thoughts on allowing temperatures to fluctuate a few degrees (within reason, obviously) each day. Of course this would much more closely match that happens in nature, but what are the chances of a normal change from day to day actually enhancing the animal's immune system, maybe increase activity (exercise moving about the cage to thermo-regulate), therefore improving digestion, bowel activity etc.. I'm sure there are more obvious benefits as well, but what are the negative aspects or cons to doing this?
Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts!
"The question is do we allow the government to take our property rights away from us based on unfounded manipulations from a special interest group?" ~ Erika N. Chen-Walsh, President, U.S. Help Alliance