Originally Posted by lady_bug87
mine coils on the hose of the Monsoon which is also thinner than s/he is
I am looking into getting one of these myself and I have read many mixed reviews about them and since you have one, tell me the good and bad please?
This winter I have found that it is much harder to keep Sasha's viv at the right humidity level (It has been a very dry winter!). And I do not like the fluxuating humidity because it isn't good for her. (And makes me feel like a bad mommy)
So I have been reading up on the different kinds and I have narrowed my search to either the Exo Terra Monsoon RS400 Rainfall System or Zoo Med Laboratories HM-10 Habba Mist. I am also debating on building on myself since I already have 2 water pumps but I am not sure.
I would like experienced advice (the good and bad experiences) please and thoughts on the matter from everyone that has used any of these methods.
You will be fine here none of us are "normal", we are all "morphs" of one kind or another. ~LankyRob
1.0 Child ~ 0.1 Ball Python ~ 3.1 Cats ~ 1.1 Italian Leatherback Dragon ~ 0.1 Hypo Sandfire Dragon ~ 0.1 Reg Dragon ~ 1.0 Sandfire Dragon