Hi there, ... after my introduction (see here
http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/new-f...therlands.html some of you prompted me to post pics of my corn. There are lots more on the way, ... and I will soon post some pics of my old collection.
Anyway, here is my Corn, she's a Butter and I picked her up at the Houten reptile show in Houten (NL) last week:

Here she is after eating 3 (small!) pinkies.

Close up of her head.

Here is a pic of her in her current housing. Small snakes really do not need a larger bin/terrarium/cage to live in, more space = less security.
I also keep all new snakes on white kitchen towell or newspaper for the first three weeks. This makes it a lot easier to spot mite, other parisite or any other abnormalities that you might notice when using a different substrate.