Re: I would like to introduce you to:
Originally Posted by Snakesitter
Metachrosis, or "whitewalling," is I believe what you are thinking of. A snake showing this will have white sides at night where color would normally appear during the day. There is a dedicated thread on this same board from a few months back.
Brazilians often take 1.5-2.5 years to show their final adult coloration. Some even seem to go through a less attractice juvenile phase before brightening up.
Hope this helps!
Cliff, you da man!
I'm looking for that thread now. You say it can take up to 2 1/2 years to show their FINAL color. The change to that color BEGINS to change as early as the first shed, yes? But to my understanding, the transformation becomes quicker, and therefore more noticeable at about the one year mark, is that also correct?
I presume then it is also metachrosis that is responsible for the day/night change in the Dominican Red Mountain Boa as well?
Dominican Red Mountain Boa - Day/Night Photos
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