When do pinkies become fuzzies?
I'm trying to figure out what size to get next. Some of the pinkies I got were tiny, probably newborn. Yet others are considerably bigger, and have clearly visible whiskers and even slight peachfuzz. I would have thought they'd be fuzzies, but I'm just new to this, so who am I to argue?
Anyways, if my snake is eating one of the bigger fuzzy pinkies per meal, it would seem that fuzzies would be the way to go. However, one of these bigger pinkies is about all she can take right now. If I knew roughly how much bigger a fuzzy is than a pinkie, I might be able to get an idea of what to order. Is there such a thing as asking for small fuzzies? Or just big semi-fuzzy pinkies? Nothing like making a fool of myself, but it's nothing new for me.