Thanks so much EveryOne of U for the interest and comments.
Yes , King cobras, kraits (Bungarus sp.), Oxyrhopus, Lampropeltis and some other snakes feed on snakes. Some are 'obliged', some 'facultative'.
But they can be 'turned' on frozen mice or rats.
True : kings are immune or have an high degree of resistance to other venoms, but it is almost the same for many other snakes and animals, from the mangooses to the more common turkeys and pigs (Phospholipase "A" from common pigs is more toxic=venomous -by DL50- than that of the most venomnous snakes.)
more : kings and Aspidelaps show an huge ability in learning, if the owner knows how -and what- to teach. They are GREAT mates!
the last thing :
Specimens belonging to a venomous Species are immune to the venom of their own Species (and Genus, often) and show an high grade of cross- resistance to other venoms, usually.
Then i could have attempted regurgitation, but surely i couldn't save the 'victim' by the deep wounds the fangs of the 'cannibal' produced him.
I most possibly had obtained 2 very sick snakes; i chose to have 1 but healty.
Everyday we have choises and decisions to take, sometime we go right, others we are wrong.
Thanks again, and a nice day Everybody
here, on the left, a younger -and fattier- Ugo checking a new arrived king cobra