Re: Great, now we have to fight OTHER animal lovers
I think our government is getting a little more confused by the day. I agree Snakefood, the Ohio incident had absolutely nothing to do with ownership of snakes. Not one of those animals was a reptile of any form. Not only that, but they killed every single one of the animals when all they would have had to do is relocate them to another zoo (I realize a zoo would be the last option due to most having as many as they can carry) or a reserve and work to get them ready to release into the wild. That whole incident was, in my opinion, a complete waste of time and lives.
3.3 BI Cloud, sunglow Nymeria, ghost Tirel, anery motley Crona, ghost Howl, jungle Dominika - 0.1 retic Riverrun - RIP (Guin, Morzan, Sanji, and Homura - BRBs, Bud - bp, Draco and Demigod - garters)