Kinda proud of myself
Yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine who was considering breeding her juvenile female beardie with her leatherback (when both were older and if the leatherback turned out to be a male) and I gave him some preeeetttyyy compelling information
like that 1 copulation can get you over 100 eggs, that selling baby beardies is hard because there are so many of them (in my area of Toronto you cant go to a petstore and NOT see beardies), and that taking care of over a hundred hungry little fellers and keeping them is a huge task
By the end he looked at me and went... o my lord, yea we wont be breeding anything any time soon
see I stopped a case of "we-had-no-idea-it-would-be-this-way" breeding
NOT that i am against breeding I just felt that he should have some information