Internal parasite that causes weblike substance on snake poop?
Okay......Leto has some kind of internal parasite....his poo has weblike substance on it. Literally looks like a web on the feces. I am going to worm him bit wanted to know if anyone has seen this before? Looks like the white fuzzy stuff that grows on food going bad but he just passed the stool.
1.1 columbian rainbow boa, 1.1 pastel BP, 1.0 pastel BP het clown, 0.1 normal BP het clown, 0.1 spider BP, 0.3 normal BP, 0.1 yellow belly BP, 1.0 mojave BP, 1.0 Cinny BP, 0.1 het pied BP, 3.5 corns, 0.2 dogs, 1.2.1 leopard geckos, 1.1 bearded dragons